
Time To Donate!

I believe that donating money, time, resources is very important. It is very important to support our home planet, however we can.

Below are organizations that are near and dear to my heart, they support Earth greatly and they can always use more support in order to continue enhancing Earth’s greatness.

My favorite organization is Earth Day Sevenly because when you buy an Earth supportive tee shirt, you also support in the plantation of seven trees! You get a very cool tee shirt, while supporting our home planet, tremendously. I love it!

At Plant A Billion, you can give your support by donating money to support the planting of trees and restoration of forests in America, Brazil and China.

Million Trees NYC is where New York City residents can show their support by adopting a fabulous tree. Junk mail is not cool, you can register to stop receiving it. It is time to support this renowned city to be a lot more healthier and to obtain a cleaner air quality.

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